Monday, February 21, 2011

It's called 'Shred' for a reason

Because it literally shreds your muscles, and then reassembles them. And I think Jillian Michaels might be a sadist. Not really, actually I like her. But two days ago I started her 30 Day Shred DVD.

Somehow I convinced my nephews and boyfriend to do this with me, mainly because then there is more motivation to continue. Overhead at our house today were the following comments:

"Am I supposed to sweat this much?" - Devin
"I wonder if Jillian Michaels is married?" - Cory
"You know, it hurts my muscles now when I laugh" - Kevin
"I seriously can't walk downstairs anymore" - Me

Now I think they like it, but really, I had no idea that all these muscles existed, not to mention could stretch this much. I am just happy that no one is video taping us bouncing around to the DVD, not to mention groaning through the harder moves, all the while I keep yelling out motivational things like 'Pain is weakness leaving the body!' I do think the kids are learning from it, and they do seem considerably less sore than the adults. I have no idea why, it can't possibly be because they're younger and in better shape..

And finally, check out this great video from Cystal Bowersox - featuring knitting! American Idol is just warming up, I can't wait to see who they discover this year.

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